Ty Hafan Non Uniform Day
Children can come dressed in non uniform. Please bring a minimum of £1 donation for Ty Hafan.
Children can come dressed in non uniform. Please bring a minimum of £1 donation for Ty Hafan.
Print and return the permission slip if your child will be attending the Chinese Auction Night January 2017
Y3 - Y6
The coach will leave school at 9.00am and we will return to school by 3.30pm. Children should come dressed in their school uniform and should wear suitable footwear and a coat. They must have a packed lunch and a drink. They may bring some money to spend in the shop but please no more than [...]
No school today. Enjoy your half term. School will commence on 27th February.
We will be celebrating World Book Day. Children are not dressing up but should bring in a favourite book and a prop that will help them talk about their book.
Children can wear jeans but should wear their school t-shirt and fleece. They should wear suitable footwear and bring a packed lunch and a water bottle.
Our school Eisteddfod will be held in the Community Hall. Children can come to school dressed in traditional Welsh costume, wear Welsh rugby shirts or just wear something red (No Power Rangers please!)