Autumn 2014

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Sep 232016

Pictures from News and Events at Llangattock

Autumn Term 2014

Christmas Fayre

Chaplins Panto

Junior Christmas Play

Infant Christmas Play

 Children in Need

Happy 50th Birthday Jonny

Harvest Festival




Spring 2015

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Sep 232016

Pictures from News and Events at Llangattock

Spring Term 2015

Solar Eclipse

World Book Day


Eisteddfod Winners 2015

Tales from Wales

WWF Non-Uniform Day



Summer 2015

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Sep 232016

Pictures from News and Events at Llangattock

Summer Term 2015

Art Day

Summer Fair

Talent Show






Spring 2016

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Sep 232016

Pictures from News and Events at Llangattock

Eisteddfod 2016

Fairtrade Mix-up Day

Mrs Smith’s Tea Party and Leaving Celebrations




Weekly Updates 2019-2020

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Sep 232016


WEEKLY UPDATE – July 17th 2020

Dear All,

Another lovely week, with lots going on, including a socially distanced sports day; video out next week!

For some children, this was their last week in school this year. It has been a strange end of year, but then again, so much of this year has been strange. It has been lovely to see you during these ‘catch-up sessions’, and we hope you have a lovely summer!

For our current Reception, Year 2 and Year 4 children, we are looking forward to seeing you again next week, when you will be visiting your new classrooms and meeting your new teachers. If you do not know when your child is visiting, please contact myself, or your child’s teacher.

Thank you
We are very fortunate to have so many kind and generous families, who I would like to thank. I would also like to give special thanks to Josh Tranter, for his very kind donation of hand sanitiser; enough to keep us going for some time! Also, to Jennie Edwards for her amazing donation of over £1,300 from her plant stall; gardening in lockdown has been very good to us!!

Everyone should have received their child/ren’s reports. If you have not received one yet, please let me know.

Home Learning
Next week is the last week of term. This week we are sending ‘project’ work home, which children can complete next week, or extend to last through the holidays too. We would love to see the finished projects in September, when we could share them with other children in their class. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their commitment to supporting Home Learning. I know it hasn’t been easy, but you have done a superb job. Well done and thank you!

Please check your child’s Parentpay account and ensure there is no debt on the account. If you have credit, it will be carried forward to next year. All leavers should have had any credit refunded, which you can then refund to your own bank account. Please email the office, if you have any issues.

We are delighted with the announcement that schools can open fully in September and are busy making plans to organise classrooms and review our risk assessments, but we are waiting for further advice and guidance from Welsh Government and Powys. As soon as we have confirmed our plans, I will share them with you, as I did when we re-opened in June. However, there are some things which may help you begin to plan for September.

All schools in Powys will be closed for planning and preparation on September 1st and 2nd and will re-open for children on Thursday 3rd September. We are planning to have all children in school on Thursday 3rd September, with an option for part-time attendance, to help with transition for children who have not been able to attend school this term.

From September children will be expected to wear uniform again. The link for uniform is below, however you can purchase uniform from other retail outlets too.

School lunches will once again be available, at a cost of £2.35. A new menu has been issued, which I will send out next week, with other relevant information, for September.

There is still some discussion around Breakfast Clubs and whether they will be open. I am hoping we will be able to run ours but will confirm this early next week.

There will be no after school clubs for the first term, but we will review this, in line with any guidance produced.

I hope you have a lovely weekend.
Best wishes,
Kathryn Marshall

WEEKLY UPDATE – July 2nd 2020

Dear All,

Well, a very successful first week back in school! It has been brilliant to catch up with everyone; looking forward to next week.

A few reminders:

  • Please do not arrive in school before 8:50, as the doors will not be open and we are trying to reduce the amount of time anyone has to wait in the playground.
  • Children need to bring in a reading book, to read during the day(if you child needs to change his/her reading book, please speak to his/her class teacher).
  • Children need colouring pens/pencils in their pencil cases.
  • Children in the HUB need to bring their Home Learning work into school, so they have some activities to complete during the day, as well as a reading book.
  • Please make sure children have a healthy snack and a water bottle.

Powys have provisionally given Autumn half-term dates as October 19th-30th. As soon as we have written confirmation, I’ll let you know.

This week we have been planning our transition arrangements which we hope to hold the week beginning 20th July. Please see the attached letter for further information.
We will let the children know their groups next week.

This week’s assembly is a celebration of our first week back in school, as well as contributions from some children who have not been able to attend this week. It will be on our website, later today; I hope you enjoy it.

Have a lovely weekend.
Best wishes,
Kathryn Marshall

WEEKLY UPDATE – June 19th 2020

 Dear All,

I hope you are all well and managing to stay positive and upbeat, despite the weather.

Re-opening of Schools
I hope you’re all as excited as we are about returning to school and seeing everyone. School is looking very different, but we are almost ready to welcome you back. We are just waiting for tape to arrive, to mark out routes/directions. As soon as we have this, we will send out pictures and information for you to share with your child/ren to help familiarise them with the new arrangements.

Everyone should now know when their child/ren can attend school from Monday June 29th. If you have not received this information, please let me know as soon as possible. Please find attached, questions raised following the information I sent out earlier in the week regarding our procedures for re-opening.

Thank you to everyone who has completed and returned the updated medical/contact form and the Home School Agreement. If you have not yet done that, please do so, before your child/ren come back to school.

You may have heard in the news that there is some discussion over schools remaining open the week beginning 20th July (the fourth week). I have not had any official information regarding this date, but will let you know as soon as I have any details.

Annual Reports
In line with Welsh Government guidance, we will be producing annual reports for all children, which will be sent out to you on Friday July 10th. I will send out further information over the next few weeks.

HUB Provision
Please find attached a letter from Cllr Phyl Davies regarding HUB provision. If you need childcare provision from 29th June, you still need to book through Powys.

Celebration Assembly
Next week, for our virtual Assembly, we would like to celebrate all the amazing, creative and diverse things families and children have been doing during lockdown. Please send me 1 picture of something your child/ren have done during lockdown, which he/she is particularly proud of. This could be a piece of work set by their teacher, but it could also be a photograph of a good deed, their vegetable garden, looking after their pets, making/delivering something to support NHS/keyworkers, anything to show how brilliant he/she is!
Please send any pictures to no later than Wednesday 23rd June.

Additional Information
PC Skyrme
Please see the link below from PC Skyrme, regarding live streaming and vlogging.

NHS Wales
Please see the information from NHS Wales.
Dear Parents,

The NHS has asked for this message to be sent out to you.

Undiagnosed Type 1 diabetes in children requires urgent medical attention

If your child has ANY of the main symptoms of Type 1 diabetes please make an urgent GP appointment or contact the Out of Hours service. The main symptoms are known as the 4 Ts – Thirst, Toilet, Tiredness, Thinner. If you notice your child is thirsty or using the toilet more frequently, is always feeling tired, or has lost weight recently, seek immediate medical advice.

NHS services are very well equipped to look after children safely if they are unwell. Please do not delay seeking medical advice because of Covid-19.

There is more information available here:—wales

I appreciate this is a busy, uncertain time for everyone and I am aware I am sending out lots of information, which I hope you find useful.

Please do not hesitate to contact me, or another member of staff, if you, or your child/ren have any questions about returning to school.

Have a lovely weekend.
Kind regards,
Kathryn Marshall

WEEKLY UPDATE – June 5th 2020

Dear All,

I hope you’re all well and have had a good week.
As you can imagine, following the announcement from Kirsty Williams this week, we have all had a lot to think about!

Click here to read the Return to School Letter June 2020 outlining some of our initial ideas around returning to school. Please bear with us, as there is so much to think about and organise and we are still waiting for guidance from Welsh Government, but I thought by sharing our initial ideas, you may begin to get a feel for how school will look for the last few weeks of term.

Our latest Celebration Assembly will be on the website later today, so please take a look.
I hope I have included everything I have been sent, but apologies if I have missed anything out.

Talent Show will be out next Friday-well worth a look!

Y3/4-message from Mrs James/Mrs Smith
As some parents are finding the planning emails too big to download, from this week, Y3/4 planning will not be emailed out to parents on Sunday afternoon; it will be emailed to children, via HWB emails and on TEAMS. If there are any issue with this, please let Mrs James/Mrs Smith

I hope you all have a lovely weekend.
Best wishes,
Kathryn Marshall

WEEKLY UPDATE – May 29th 2020

Dear All,
I hope you have all had a good half-term break and have been enjoying this amazing weather!

New planning/activities will be sent home over the weekend, but do let me know if you need anything printed off, or new maths sheets/books etc.

I have been working with Powys and the School Governors to look at ways we can begin to plan to return to school and would like to gauge your feelings and ideas about how we can safely begin opening up Llangattock. Anything we do will obviously be dependent on guidance from Welsh Government, but we feel it is important to take into consideration our own families and children too. We have put together a few simple surveys, which we will send out on Monday. They shouldn’t take very long to complete, the information will be anonymous and will be used to inform any plans we make to return to school.

Thank you to everyone who has sent in messages to add into our ‘Message’ Video and Talent Show clips, as well as pictures of models, but we would really like some more. If your child hasn’t done one yet, there is still time! Please have a go this week and send them in by Friday, to include in our next videos.

Please see the link below for the latest prayer space video from Nicci Bevan

Reflective Prayer Space: Hope – Window Doves

Enjoy your weekend,
Best wishes,
Kathryn Marshall

WEEKLY UPDATE – May 22nd 2020

What a half -term; so much going on, considering schools are closed!

Thank you so much to everyone for your continued support and kind messages of appreciation. It has been hard work for everyone, including children, parents and teachers, but it has been a success, thanks to everyone’s commitment and positive attitude.

Next week is half-term, so we will not be sending home learning grids and activities; everyone needs a break! However, please feel free to complete any activities you haven’t managed to do yet, or work on Genius Hour topics, or independent projects. New activities will be sent out ready for Monday 1st June.

We are aware that some children may well be coming to the end of their maths homework books. If you need a new book, or additional sheets etc, please contact your child’s teacher and we will arrange a convenient time for them to be collected.

Virtual Assembly
The third of our virtual assemblies in now on our website. Please follow the link below and look at some of the great work that has been going on. We have also put some Powerpoints and videos on there too. They’re great, so do take a look.

Also, please see the link below to a YouTube channel for Sarah KilBrides’ Bookworm Boogie:

I do have a few challenges for the children, should they need something to keep them busy over the week. Take a photo of your challenge; landscape works best. All photos/videos need to be sent to the following email, by Friday 29th May :

  1. Take a look at our ‘Well Done!’ video below. Draw a picture, write/record a short message to everyone to add into the video.
  2.  We are holding a ‘Virtual Talent’ show and would like everyone to send in short clips of their amazing talents. This could be anything from singing, to magic, to football skills. The video needs to be a maximum of 2 mins. We’ll collate the entries and share the video at the start of next term. Teachers have been busy practising their talents, so it should be lots of fun!
  3. Model challenge. Build a model using anything you have; recycled materials, boxes, Lego,K-nex etc. Write a label to go with it explaining what it is, why you made it, your favourite part etc.

I hope you all have a restful half-term and manage to relax.

Take care and stay safe.

Best wishes,
Kathryn Marshall

WEEKLY UPDATE – May 7th 2020

Dear All,
The end of another busy week. I hope everyone who has had a TEAMS meeting this week has enjoyed it and found it useful.
Children in ks2 are being notified of meetings through their HWB emails and meetings will be scheduled at least a day in advance. Please encourage your child to check their HWB emails daily, to ensure they do not miss their meetings. We will also inform parents of scheduled meetings. Unfortunately we cannot chase children up during a TEAMS meeting if they forget, or have missed the email, as this is time consuming and takes staff away from the meeting in progress. If you have any issue with the day/time, or are finding it difficult to access TEAMS, let us know as soon as possible and we will try and help.
Teaching staff have been working really hard to plan, prepare and mark work, as well as set up TEAMS meetings. They are responding to emails as quickly as possible, but will only be doing this between 9-5pm. If you have anything that needs to be answered urgently at any other time, please email me on and I will try to help. They are also working on marking all work, but there is a lot of additional work coming in, as well as the work set. They will respond to everything, but it may take some time,so please bear with us. We are really aware that trying to juggle working from home and supporting your children’s learning is a real challenge. Please do let us know if there is anything we can do to support, or help.
This weekend is bank holiday, so a great opportunity for everyone to take a break from home learning and just enjoy the good weather!
I hope you enjoyed our Teacher Challenge of Who’s Who? If you haven’t seen it yet, follow the link below.
Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the children’s Who’s Who? Follow the link below and try and solve the picture clues. The answers are attached to this email. Good luck!
We are continuing to put lots of useful links and resources onto the school website under home Learning. Please take a look, as there are some really useful things on there.
Mrs Smith has found this colouring competition, which you might like to get involved with.
Just a reminder that if you need to use the Emergency Childcare HUB you will need to register by wednesday of the week before you need a place. Powys are also now charging for meals provided; £2.80, which includes breakfast, lunch and tea (which can be ordered and taken home). The cost will be deducted from Parentpay accounts.
Kirsty Williams has made a statement regarding schools reopening.  Please follow the link below for more information.
Have a lovely, if unusual bank holiday weekend.
Best wishes,
Kathryn Marshall

WEEKLY UPDATE – May 1st 2020

Dear All,
I hope you are all well and are continuing to stay safe.
Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the ‘Portrait Gallery’. If you haven’t submitted your own version of a famous painting yet, please let me have it by Sunday, so I can add it to the ‘Gallery’ and share it on the website.
Our next ‘Challenge’ will be a Virtual Talent Show; details to follow next week!
This week we have been working on establishing TEAMS meetings with Y5/6.  Despite a few technical issues, they have been hugely successful and it has been lovely to see everyone and catch up. We will be rolling these out to years 3 and 4 next week. Initially we intend using them as an opportunity for the children to catch up with friends and for us to check everyone is OK, but we will be looking at how we can use them to support children’s learning.
Next Friday Mrs James is hoping to run a choir session via TEAMS; more information to follow, early next week.
Please find attached a letter regarding supporting and developing reading. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask. Next week we are looking at online maths lessons, so we can direct you to the most appropriate, relevant information to help support your child with his/her maths development.
We are also beginning to put together some stories, read by different members of staff, which you can find on the school website, or by clicking on the link below. Thank you to Mrs Pritchard and Mrs Masters for this week’s stories.
Emergency Childcare HUB Crickhowell-Please use the link below if you are a keyworker and need to access the HUB. You need to register by 5pm Wednesday, of the week before you need childcare.

As I’m sure you can see, there is a lot of information and support available for all aspects of remote learning and I am really aware of swamping you with ideas and suggestions for home learning, so instead of sending everything out we have set up a ‘Home Learning’page on our website. Any new information, websites, or support materials we have we will put on this page and I will send out links to you, so you can access them, if/when you need to.
Have a good weekend and make the most of the sunny weather.
Best wishes,
Kathryn Marshall


A few polite reminders:

  • NUTS-We are a nut free school. Please do not include any nut products in packed lunches, as we do have some children with severe nut allergies in school at the moment.
  • SAFEGUARDING – Please can we ask that NO adults enter the school building in the mornings and at the end of the day, unless they have already signed in at the main entrance.  We have very strict safeguarding procedures in place, but we still have some adults who are entering the school building through other entrances. This makes monitoring adults inside the school very difficult.We also politely ask you do not enter the Community Hall during clubs, as children are often changing.
  • PARKING – Thank you to everyone for parking considerately when picking up and dropping off. This is very much appreciated by us and local residents.
  • Lost Property – We have quite a lot of uniform in school, which we have tried to re-home, but unfortunately it is not named. Please check all uniform and PE kit to take make sure names are visible.
  • DOGS-Please can we remind you that dogs are not allowed on the school site.

WEEKLY UPDATE – March 30th 2020

What a very strange week!

I hope you’re all well and have enjoyed your first week of ‘home learning’.

New activities will be sent out over the weekend, ready for Monday morning.

We are currently looking at how we can continue to provide reading opportunities, now we can no longer change books. There are several sites available offering reading free online books, but staff will look at this next week.

If you have had any difficulties, or have found anything particularly useful, which your children enjoyed, please email teachers and they can adapt their planning.

From next week staff will be contacting all families, just for a catch-up and to check everyone is OK. Staff are really keen to maintain their good relationships with their class, so hopefully this will help. If there is anything we can do to support your child/ren, please do ask.

The Crickhowell Emergency Childcare HUB is now up and running. If you are eligible, you will need to register on a weekly basis for places for the following week. Thank you to everyone for your support in only using this provision when absolutely necessary. The safest place for your children is at home and this provision should only be used as a last resort.

If you do book a place and then no longer need it, please email as soon as possible, so we can organise staffing accordingly.

Thank you again for your kind messages of thanks and support; they really are appreciated by all staff.

WEEKLY UPDATE-March 16th 2020

Thank you to everyone who attended Parents’ Evenings. We hope you found them useful and informative.

A polite reminder to everyone: Please can I ask that parents and children leave the school grounds promptly at the end of the day. Hopefully, as the weather improves children attending clubs will be using the school grounds, but we cannot do this until everyone else has gone and the gates can be closed, to ensure the safety of everyone. Children should also not be playing on the equipment at the end of the day, as there is no supervision or first aider to deal with any accidents. Thank you for your understanding and co-operation.

MONDAY 16th March

  • Music tuition
  • 3:30pm Board Games Club Y2-6/Story club Y1-2

TUESDAY 17th March

  • Youth Speaks Y5/6
  • 3:30pm Drama 4 with Lynne Clausen

WEDNESDAY 18th March

  • 3.30pm Lego Club Y1-2/Singing Club Y3-6/Netball Y3-6

THURSDAY 19th March

  • 3:30pm Eco Club Y3-6

FRIDAY 20th March

  • 10-11am Rugby for Y3/4. All children will need outdoor PE kit and a change of socks.
  • Y6 2:15 PC Skyrme

Future events:

  • 23rd March-Mini Apprentice Launch
  • 24th March-Foundation Phase visit to Techniquest
  • 26th March-Y5/6 Lent lunch

WEEKLY UPDATE-March 9th 2020

We had a fabulous Eisteddfod last week. It is great to see so many confident, enthusiastic children participating in this annual event. Well done to everyone!

You should have all received confirmation of Parents Evening appointments. If you haven’t, please contact your child’s class teacher. Children’s work will be available to look at before individual appointments. Please use the main door to enter the school. Thank you.

This week we have 2 new teaching students joining us: Mr Smalley and Ms Clarke will be with us for the next 8 weeks.

Change of Date-Due to staff availability we will not be running a Quiz Night this term. We hope to re-arrange this for the Autumn term.

Hygiene – We have been reinforcing the need for the children to wash hands carefully.  If you wish your child to use a hand gel sanitiser, please complete the form that was sent home earlier this week and send it and your chosen (labelled) hand gel in to your child’s class.  School cannot provide hand gel.

MONDAY 9th March

  • Llangattock School Celebration of Reading – all pupils can bring in a favourite book and related ‘prop’ to share in their class.
  • Music tuition
  • 3:30pm Board Games Club Y2-6/Story club Y1-2

TUESDAY 10th March

  • 1:45pm Y2 Forest School
  • 3:30pm Drama 3 with Lynne Clausen
  • 6pm Governors’ Meeting

WEDNESDAY 11th March

  • 6-8pm Parents Evening

THURSDAY 12th March

  • 4-6pm Parents’ Evening

FRIDAY 13th March

  • 10-11am Rugby for Y3/4. All children will need outdoor PE kit and a change of socks.
  • 3:30pm School Council Treat Shop- 50p

Future events:

  • Y5/6 17th March Youth Speaks

WEEKLY UPDATE-March 2nd 2020

We are delighted to welcome our three new additions to Llangattock School.

We have been able to sponsor these puppies for a year, thanks to your amazing generosity on our Hearing Dogs for the Deaf Day.

World Book Day-Thursday 5th March is this year’s official World Book day.  However due to the busy week that we have next week we will be holding a celebration of reading on Monday 9th March. Children do not need to dress up but will be encouraged to bring one of their favourite books and a relevant prop, or item linked, to their book to share with their classmates.

Flooding-As you know, some of our families have been badly affected by the recent flooding. The Welsh Government are providing one off grant payments of £500 to those affected. Please see the link below.

We will also be holding a non-uniform day on Friday 6th March in support of the Crickhowell Flood Support. A minimum donation of £1 would be gratefully received.

Crickhowell Comedy Festival-A massive thank you to everyone who organised and supported this event. The organisers have very kindly arranged a Circus Bezerkus day for the whole school, when children will watch a performance and learn some amazing circus skills. They have also donated £100 to Little Sparks and additional funds to School.

Parents Evenings-You should have all received Parents Evening letters. Please return as soon as possible so we can arrange convenient times for everyone. Thank you.

Eisteddfod-On Monday we will be celebrating our Eisteddfod. Children can come to school dressed in traditional Welsh costume, or Welsh rugby shirts. If your child is playing a musical instrument, he/she will need their instrument and their music. You are all welcome to join us at 2pm for the highlights. Welsh cakes, tea and coffee will be available from 1:30pm.

Clubs – Please note, there is no choir next week, due to staff absence. If your child would like to join Lego club, they are very welcome.

There will also be no Choir, Lego, Netball and Eco Club week beginning 9th March, due to Parents evening consultation meetings.

MONDAY 2nd March

  • Music tuition
  • 2pm Eisteddfod highlights. 1:30pm for Welsh cakes and tea.
  • 3:30pm Board Games Club Y2-6/Story club Y1-2

TUESDAY 3rd March

  • 1:45pm Y2 Forest School
  • 3:30pm Drama 2 with Lynne Clausen


  • Package Free Lunch Day-re-arranged from last week. Information sent out earlier in the week.
  • 3:30pm Lego Club Y1-2/Singing Club Y3-6/Netball Y3-6

THURSDAY 5th March

  • Y5/6 Brecon Beacons National Park Outreach session (in school)
  • 3:30pm Eco Club Y3-6/Fitness Club Y3-6

FRIDAY 6th March

  • 10-11am Rugby for Y3/4. All children will need outdoor PE kit and a change of socks.
  • Non – uniform day in aid of Crickhowell Flood Support – £1 donation (minimum appreciated)

Future events:

  • Celebration of Reading (World Book Day)
  • 11th/12th March Parents Evenings

WEEKLY UPDATE-February 10th February 2020

Thank you to everyone who supported the Hearing Dogs Day. We had a great time and raised over £200. We are going to sponsor 3 puppies, which the children have voted for today. We will receive regular ‘Pupdates’ about training and how our puppies are growing and learning. We are hoping to make this an annual event.

Criw Cymraeg 

Our very enthusiastic Criw Cymraeg are working really hard to achieve our Bronze award. Please help them by participating in their  competition.

School Uniform

Please see below for the website details for school uniform, as several parents have requested this. However, you do not have to purchase uniform from this site, but can use any provider.
UK’s largest school uniform provider, a quick and easy way to get great value school uniforms in your school’s colours, complete with embroidered emblem – and to raise money for your school just by shopping with us.



Unfortunately we do not have enough children attending fitness club after school on Thursday, so this club will not run next term. Mrs Jones is going to work with Mrs Smith, so we can provide both indoor and outdoor activities in Eco-club. Children from fitness club are very welcome to join Eco-club. All other clubs will continue as normal.

MONDAY 24th February

  • Music tuition-
  • 3:30pm Board Games Club Y2-6/Story club Y1-2

TUESDAY 25th February

  • Y2 Forest School
  • 3:30pm Drama 5 with Lynne Clausen

WEDNESDAY 26th February

  • Package Free Lunch Day
  • 3:30pm Lego Club Y1-2/Singing Club Y3-6/Netball Y3-6

THURSDAY 27th February

  • Y2 Forest School
  • 3:30pm Eco Club Y3-6/Fitness Club Y3-6

FRIDAY 28th February

  • 10-11am Rugby for Y3/4. All children will need outdoor PE kit and a change of socks.

Future events:

  • 2nd March Eisteddfod. Children may come to school dressed in traditional Welsh costume, or rugby shirts. We will be sharing the highlights of the day at 2pm in the Community Hall. There will be refreshments available. Everyone is welcome to join us.
  • Parents Evenings 11th/12th March. Letters will be sent home after half term.

WEEKLY UPDATE-February 10th February 2020

Thank you to everyone who was able to attend the Green Man meeting on Tuesday, or who has offered help to support this event. This is a huge event, but raises a lot of money for the school and is a great way to get to know more people. We are still desperately looking for more helpers to run the stall on the weekend of the festival. Without this we will not be able to take part and may well lose the pitch for future years. Please contact me by Monday if you are able to commit to helping over the festival weekend.

We are currently looking into reorganising/naming the PTA to include all members of the School Community and Little Sparks. As soon as this has been resolved, we will hold an AGM.

On Monday we are having a visit from Jackie Charlton, one of our Governors, to speak to our children about hearing Dog Day, which our School council has organised for Friday. Children can come to school dressed in non-uniform, or have a dog theme to their outfit(!), for a donation of £1. We will also be offering paw print face paints and cakes for 50p each. We hope you will be able to support this very deserving charity.


MONDAY 10th February

  • Music tuition-
  • 3:30pm Board Games Club Y2-6/Story club Y1-2

TUESDAY 11th February

  • 3:30pm Drama 5 with Lynne Clausen

WEDNESDAY 12th February

  • Y3/4 PC Skyrme-Stay Smart
  • 3:30pm Lego Club Y1-2/Singing Club Y3-6/Netball Y3-6

THURSDAY 13th February

  • 3:30pm Eco Club Y3-6/Fitness Club Y3-6

FRIDAY 14th February

  • Hearing Dogs Day; £1 donation . Face paints and cakes for sale for 50p each.
  • No Rugby.

Future events:

  • Half -term Mon 17th-Fri 21st Feb


WEEKLY UPDATE-February 3rd 2020

Polite reminder: We are having a lot of children arriving at school late. The doors are open between 8:50 and 9:00 for children to come into school. If your child is late, please go to the main entrance and ring the bell. Someone will answer the door as soon as possible, but there is not always a member of staff in the office, at this time, so you may have to wait a short while.

Y2 are starting Forest Schools this week; they will need wellies and a coat.

It is Internet Safety Week. PC Skyrme will be talking to Y5/6 about ‘Cyber safety’. We will be reinforcing our internet safety rules with the children, but there are lots of resources available, if you want to discuss this with your child/ren.

MONDAY 3rd February

  • Music Tuition
  • 3:30pm Board Games Club Y2-6/Story club Y1-2

TUESDAY 4th February

  • Y2 Forest Schools-wellies and outdoor coat needed
  • 3:30pm Greenman Meeting in the main school hall. All welcome.
  • 3:30pm Drama 4 with Lynne Clausen

WEDNESDAY 5th February

  • Y2 Forest Schools-wellies and outdoor coat needed
  • 3:30pm Lego Club Y1-2/Singing Club Y3-6/Netball Y3-6

THURSDAY 6th February

  • 3:30pm Eco Club Y3-6/Fitness Club Y3-6

FRIDAY 7th February

  • 10-11am Rugby for Y5/6. All children will need outdoor PE kit and a change of socks.


WEEKLY UPDATE-January 27th 2020

School disco on Friday, please return permission slip and money by Tuesday, so we can organise refreshments and prizes etc.

MONDAY 27th January

  • Music tuition-
  • 3:30pm Board Games Club Y2-6/Story club Y1-2

TUESDAY 28th January

  • FPh Chinese Dragon dance workshop
  • 3:30pm Drama 3 with Lynne Clausen

WEDNESDAY 29th January

  • 3:30pm Lego Club Y1-2/Singing Club Y3-6/Netball Y3-6

THURSDAY 30th January

  • Powys Eco Day (children involved have been informed)
  • 3:30pm Eco Club Y3-6/Fitness Club Y3-6

FRIDAY 31st January

  • 10-11am Rugby for Y5/6 (Please can all children have a change of socks, as the grass is very wet and we had a lot of cold feet last week!)
  •  5 -7pm SCHOOL DISCO in the Community Hall

Future events:

  • Tuesday 4th February 3:30pm PTA Green Man meeting in main school hall.  All welcome.
  • Friday 14th February – Hearing Dog fundraising day.
  • February 17th – 21st HALF TERM HOLIDAY

MONDAY 20th January

  • Music tuition-
  • 3:30pm Board Games Club Y2-6/Story club Y1-2

TUESDAY 21st January

  • Whole School Explorer Dome in Community Hall
  • 3:30pm Drama 2 with Lynne Clausen

WEDNESDAY 22nd January

  • 3:30pm Lego Club Y1-2/Singing Club Y3-6/Netball Y3-6

THURSDAY 23rd January

  • 9:30am Welsh Birds of Prey for whole school
  • 3:30pm Eco Club Y3-6/Fitness Club Y3-6

FRIDAY 24th January

  • Criw Cymraeg event (children involved have been informed)
  • 10-11am Rugby for Y5/6

Future events:

  • 28th 29th January-STEM transition project for Y6@ CHS
  • 30th January Powys Eco day at Newbridge on Wye School (a letter has been sent out to those children involved)
  • 31st Jan School disco (letters to come out on Monday)
  • 4th February 3:30pm initial meeting for Greenman. All welcome.


MONDAY 13th January

  • Music tuition-
  • 3:30pm Board Games Club Y2-6/Story club Y1-2

TUESDAY 14th January

  • Y3-6 Upbeat Drumming Workshop
  • 3:30pm Drama 1 with Lynne Clausen

WEDNESDAY 15th January

  • 9:00am PTA/Parent meeting in the Community Hall. Please come along and get involved.
  •  Y5/6 First Aid with PCSO Billy Dunne
  • 3:30pm Lego Club Y1-2/Singing Club Y3-6/Netball Y3-6

THURSDAY 16th January

  • 3:30pm Eco Club Y3-6/Fitness Club Y3-6

FRIDAY 17th January

A few reminders:

Please can we ask that NO adults enter the school building in the mornings and at the end of the day, unless they have already signed in at the main entrance.  We have very strict safeguarding procedures in place, but we still have some adults who are entering the school building through other entrances. This makes monitoring adults inside the school very difficult.

Thank you to everyone for parking considerately when picking up and dropping off. This is very much appreciated by us and local residents.

Gardening Club

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Sep 232016

Gardening club is for Year 1 and 2 and is run on Tuesday lunchtime by Mrs Marshall and Clair Jones.


Garden 1

garden 2


Minecraft Club

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Sep 232016

Mincraft Club is run by Mrs Whittle and the Y5/6 Digital Champions for Y2/3 on Monday 3.30-4.40pm.

Mincraft Club


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Sep 232016

Eco-club is run by Marcell Smith on Wednesdays after school, 3.30-4.30pm for years 3-6.

We were recently awarded out platinum flag:


Our Eco Code

We reviewed and amended our Eco code in September 2012, in a whole-school assembly. The children suggested we include buying local, Fairtrade or Growing your own produce.

Our new Eco code is RESPECT!

  • Reduce, reuse, recycle.
  • Electricity and water: Save them!
  • Save the planet; walk or cycle to school.
  • Put fruit and veg scraps in the compost.
  • Everyone buy local or Fairtrade produce, or grow your own.
  • Clean the school of litter.
  • Take care of animal habitats.